Code and original article
Very special thanks to Amael BERTEAU
NwIO allows using an ESP32 to control inputs/outputs over HTTP using WiFi Connection.
- It sends the state of an input to an HTTP server
- It can change the state of output depending on HTTP calls
Therefore, an ESP32 running NwIO can interact with Houdini MC using web requests :
- It can enable/disable output when it receives a web request from Houdini MC
- Houdini-MC can perform a custom action when the state of an esp32 input changes (NwIO sends an HTTP request each time an input status changes)

Given the following network information :
Settings | URL |
Network | |
Gateway | |
Subnet | 255.255.0 |
Houdini MC
Settings | URL |
IP Address | |
Port | 14999 |
Settings | URL |
IP Address | |
Houdini MC Configuration
Allowing Houdini MC to perform as a receiver
- Go on “Settings” menu
- Click on “Connections” Tab
- Enable the “Incoming HTTP Requests” by clicking on the switch in the “Incoming HTTP GET Requests” section. If you want Houdini MC to accept incoming requests after program restart, you have to check “Automatically Enable Incoming HTTP GET Requests When Application begins“

- Note down the given URLs, we will use them to test that the program accepts incoming requests
- Press “Save”
Houdini MC is ready to accept incoming requests.
You will now notice a green bulb icon on the top of the console. This icon indicates that Houdini MC is ready to accept incoming requests.
To test the ability of the software, open a browser on another device (computer, tablet, mobile) connected to the same network and try to access previously noted URLs. In our case, the URL for “Clue Button” is
and the URL for “Panic Button” is
⚠ Outgoing and incoming connections can be affected by the presence of firewalls or antivirus software on the PC connection. Windows comes with a built-in Internet Firewall that is active by default and blocks suspicious traffic. You can turn off this firewall (not recommended by Microsoft) or configure it to allow connections from and to specific ports.
How to receive state changes of an input from an ESP32 running NwIO
- Go on “Scheduled Events” menu
- Click on “Add Event“
- In “Event Type“, select “Incoming Event from Smart Mechanism“
- Set “Custom_Term” depending on the input and the state to be monitored.
(URLs called by NwIO are in the format http://{server}:{serverPort}/input/{id}/{state}
, so the “Custom_Term” will be input/{id}/{state}
In the depicted case, we use input/0/0
that means this event will be executed when Input 0 change to 0.

Some examples of Custom Terms depending on input and state to monitor :
Input/State to monitor | Custom_Term |
Input 0 changes to 1 | input/0/1 |
Input 1 changes to 0 | input/1/0 |
Input 1 changes to 1 | input/1/1 |
… | … |
- Select action (e.g. play a sound, trigger another device, play video, control HUE scenes, etc.)
- Press “Save Event“
Now, every time a connected on the same network device calls this URL when the game is active, the event will be executed.
To test this smart event, open a browser on another device (computer, tablet, mobile) connected on the same network and try to access this URL (In the depicted case
How to enable/disable an output on an ESP32 running NwIO
You can use Automation to send GET and POST requests to an ESP32 which will allow to enable/disable outputs
- Go on “Automations” menu
- Click on “HTTP Requests” Tab
- Create a new GET or POST request
- Name the request (in the depicted case is “Relay1”)
- Select “GET Request” and set URL depending on the output and state you want to change. (URLs are in the format
In the depicted case, we use
that means it will enable output 0.

Some examples of URLs depending on output and state :
Usage | URL |
Disable output 0 | |
Enable output 0 during 2000 ms | |
Enable output 1 | |
Disable output 1 | |
… | … |
- Press “Execute” to send the request
- The Response text box will display the response from the ESP32 (Empty)
- By pressing the “Save Changes” button, the selected web request can be stored for later use. Stored requests are available under the “Saved Requests” section.
Stored requests are accessible not only from the “Automations” menu but also from the “Shortcuts” tab.
Finally, it is worth noting that stored requests can also be executed as part of scheduled events. Simply, go on “Scheduled events” select a new timed on a smart event and assign the stored web request. If timed events are used, Houdini MC will send the stored web request on a specific timestamp. In case of smart events, Houdini MC will send the stored web request when e.g. players solve a riddle.
NwIO Configuration
- Open configuration.hpp
- Edit your settings
In the depicted case :
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 7, 47);
IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 7, 254);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
IPAddress server(192, 168, 7, 115);
int serverPort = 14999;
- Upload the program to your ESP32
(For more information Configuration ESP32 si running NwIO.